Tuesday, September 8, 2015

My top three accessories for middle age

People who know me will know that this list has little chance of containing any actual fashion accessories.  For those who don’t know me, be warned – do not look for belts, purses or jewelry on this particular list.

My top three accessories for middle age

1)  Progressive lenses & multi-focal contacts
I can see far…I can see near…I’m…I’m…superwoman!  Seriously, this is great stuff.  I love my bifocals!  They are actually progressive lenses, so they don’t have a line running through the middle.  I can read a sign across the room and ALSO read the fine print on a package.  All this without multiple corrective eyewear or asking one my children to read the fine print for me.  I also have multi-focal contact lenses.  I don’t love them quite as much as the glasses, because I lose a bit of clarity on the distance while gaining the advantage of seeing close-up.  Still, they’re pretty awesome too. 

Rocking the bifocals up close & personal

2)  Night guard
You might be surprised how many people use a night guard.  When I mentioned it to other people, I found out that many women I know have one of these.  People use a night guard if they clench or grind their teeth at night.  I’m a clencher myself.  A night guard can also prevent you from chewing the inside of your cheek at night.  Yes, I’ve done that too.  A night guard is similar to a mouth guard that athletes use to protect their teeth.  My dentist created molds of my upper and lower teeth and then of my bite (teeth alignment), so that it’s custom made for my mouth.  I have to admit that I clenched (apparently) a crack into my first night guard.  It was a thinner, more flexible one.  My dentist ordered me a new one, which is basically the more durable industrial strength night guard.  She also recommends that I try meditation.  But my night guard helps, and I sleep better when I use it.  Plus it has completely eliminated the jaw clicking and popping problem that I had. 

3)  Hair color in a box
I am very low maintenance when it comes to personal care.  I don’t really wear make-up or jewelry, except for my wedding ring.  I’m also not particularly interested in fashion.  It’s not that I’m philosophically opposed to those things.  I often admire other people’s jewelry and stylish clothing.  With my tendency toward minimalism, I’m just not interested in it for myself.  It’s no secret, however, that I color my hair.  Gray strands started appearing in my early to mid-30s.  Now in my mid-40s, I’m not really sure what color my hair is anymore.  It’s mostly gray.  Someday I will just let it be.  For now - every couple of months, I spend some time in the bathroom with a couple of boxes of Nice 'n Easy and make my hair not gray.  

I usually mix these two colors and swear under my breath as I'm applying it, but it's not too difficult.


  1. Between my husband and myself, we have two of the three: mouth guard for him, multifocal contacts AND reading glasses for me. Love this post. :)
