Thursday, August 15, 2019

how does your garden grow?

Mary, Mary, quite contrary
how does your garden grow?

this summer...

my garden is full
of pauses and silences,
breathing deep,
absorbing sunshine and warmth,

my garden is full
of so many words,

my garden is full
of tired muscles
happily exerted in

my garden is full
of cherished friends.

my interior garden
is beautiful,


the garden was
left to fend
for itself;
completely untended
by human hands.

two tomato plants
thrive, sprouted
from the remains
of last year's tomatoes,
that sank into the ground,
wintered there,
and rose again.

morning glory
spreads its showy
pink and purple
flowers everywhere
intertwined with
overgrown oregano,
multitudes of milkweed,
clusters of clover.

my outside garden
was let go, and it too
is beautiful.


I enjoy gardening and usually plant a vegetable garden in the area pictured below. After a stressful school year, I wanted to focus my energy elsewhere this summer.  I decided to let the garden go.  Left completely to itself, the garden produced two tomato plants and a sunflower, in addition to its usual summer residents - morning glory, milkweed, oregano, dill.  It's not only beautiful in its untended wildness, but also a haven for bees, butterflies, and other creatures too.

Sometimes we have to give ourselves permission to let things go.  When we let go, beautiful things can happen, in more ways than one.