Sunday, September 2, 2018


This morning...
At my desk looking over to-do lists
whose contents overwhelm me
I notice movement
in the ice cream bucket at the corner.
A butterfly has emerged.

Weeks ago...
I collected two tiny caterpillars
from unruly dill plants.
Placed them in the bucket,
Fed them fresh dill or parsley,
And cleaned out their droppings most every day. 
They grew rapidly
Shedding their skin many times. 
And then a few days apart,
Each transformed into a chrysalis. 

As life intervened...
I thought little of those two chrysalises.
So many new starts, so many changes,
challenges, hard work,
and transformation too,
in my own life.
Can I do it all?
I wonder.

This morning...
The butterfly emerged.
Wings fluttering, hopeful,
Ready to fly.
I carried the bucket
to the garden,
Gently set the stick
Near a marigold plant
And the butterfly climbed aboard.
Wings dried in the summer sun
and gentle breeze,
My butterfly friend took flight.

I can do this too,
as difficult as it may be.
Grow and grow,
Struggle and struggle,
Shed some of the old and
welcome what's new.