Friday, January 6, 2017

I pretend I am someplace else.

I pretend I am someplace else
where it is not 6 degrees and feels like negative 10
it smells fresh and mossy and alive
it feels light and warm and so close
it looks green and green and more green

I pretend I am someplace else
as I sit on a bench
banana trees clustered behind me
I gaze at the tree canopy
vines cascading down
a few random bursts of
orange-ish red and pale fuchsia
and variegated leaves
trees stretching themselves to the blue sky

I pretend I am someplace else
listening to the waterfall
crashing into the pond
I sit completely alone
for longer than expected
in this tropical dome
and bask in the solitude
gazing, observing, absorbing
scribbling these words
in my notebook

slowly, I start to hear voices
a family on an afternoon excursion
a young couple on a date
they appear from around
the winding pathway
grasping cameras
posing eagerly for photos
pointing excitedly at trees
reading the descriptive signs

I smile at them
gather my stuff and
move away from the bench
near the banana trees that
they wish to observe
They also want to be
someplace else
where it is not
6 degrees and feels like negative 10

I walk over to the pond
koi swim slowly
in shallow waters
a frog statue submerged
peacefully within
I take a few photos
I take a deep breath
and inhale the soft, moist air

Sharp, dry air
greets me as I exit
and return to
6 degrees but feels like negative 10
bolstered and grateful
for having been
someplace else
peaceful and warm.

This reflection and these photos happened at The Mitchell Park Domes, also known as The Mitchell Park Horticultural Observatory.  A favorite spot of mine, its future is sadly unknown due to structural issues.  There is more information on the Milwaukee County website page.  For my part, I see great value in having an indoor green space like this in our city.

The above photos are from the Tropical Dome.  Below are a few from the Desert Dome:

Spending time in nature - wherever it is found - is important to me.  I've written often about my appreciation for nature and its therapeutic benefits.  
Have you read my essay in Orion Magazine?  A snapshot of the abundance of nature in my city neighborhood, it appeared in the January-February 2014 print issue and can be read online here:
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